Getting Started#

cotainr makes it easy to build Singularity/Apptainer containers for certain use cases. If this is your first time learning about cotainr, we encourage you to read the motivation for using cotainr.

In order to get started using cotainr, you need to download and install the cotainr source code. Alternative, you may be in luck that you are using an HPC system on which cotainr is already installed.

Getting the cotainr source code

All releases of cotainr are available on GitHub: DeiC-HPC/cotainr

Installation instructions

cotainr only runs on Linux and requires that Python >=3.8 as well as Singularity >=3.7.4 [1] or Apptainer >=1.0.0 is installed on the system. More details about dependencies may be found in the User Guide.

To install cotainr, download and unpack the source code. Then add the cotainr/bin directory to your PATH to get access to the cotainr command line interface.

Using cotainr on HPC systems where it is already installed

On some HPC systems, cotainr is already installed. If your HPC system of choice is mentioned in the instructions list below, you may follow those instructions to get started using cotainr on that system.

HPC systems instructions

cotainr may be loaded as a module from the LUMI software stack. It includes system information.

For instance, building a container for LUMI-G:

$ module load LUMI
$ module load cotainr
$ cotainr build my_container.sif --system=lumi-g <...>

More details may be found in the User Guide. For details about LUMI, see the LUMI documentation.
